
Where to Buy 35mm Film – Best Places to Get Film for Analog Photography


Are you a photography enthusiast looking to explore the world of film photography? Or perhaps you’re already familiar with the unique charm and character that shooting with 35mm film brings to your images. In this digital age, where everything is just one click away, it may seem challenging to find a reliable source for purchasing 35mm film.

Film photography has experienced a resurgence in recent years, with more and more photographers embracing the nostalgic and authentic feel of analog cameras. 35mm film, in particular, offers a classic aesthetic and a sense of artistry that digital photography often struggles to replicate.

But where can you buy 35mm film? That’s the question we’re here to answer. In this article, we’ll explore various options and provide you with a handy guide on finding the best places to purchase high-quality 35mm film for all your analog photography needs. Whether you prefer shopping locally, browsing online marketplaces, or seeking out specialized film retailers, we’ve got you covered.

So, let’s dive into the exciting world of 35mm film and discover the most convenient and reliable sources to fuel your film photography passion.



Are you a photography enthusiast who still enjoys the art of shooting with film? If so, you’re in luck! In this digital age, where everything seems to be dominated by technology, there’s still a strong community of photographers who appreciate the unique qualities and timeless charm of 35mm film.

While digital cameras offer convenience and instant results, film photography provides a more tangible and nostalgic experience. The process of loading the film, carefully composing each shot, and eagerly awaiting the developed prints is a journey that cannot be replicated with a click of a button.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the topic of where to buy 35mm film – the lifeblood of analog photography. We’ll delve into the best places to purchase high-quality film, whether you prefer to shop locally or online. So, grab your favorite film camera, and let’s embark on a quest to find the perfect rolls for your next creative venture!

Note: Throughout this article, when referring to “35mm film,” we are primarily focusing on the standard 135 format commonly used in film cameras.

Stay tuned to discover some incredible resources and hidden gems that cater to the needs of film enthusiasts. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out in the world of film photography, there are plenty of options available to fulfill your film buying desires.

So without further ado, let’s dive into the exciting world of buying 35mm film!

Why shoot with 35mm film?

Why Shoot with 35mm Film?

Film photography, particularly the use of 35mm film, has experienced a resurgence in recent years. The distinct qualities of 35mm film offer several advantages that continue to attract photographers and enthusiasts alike. In this section, we will explore the unique characteristics of 35mm film and why it remains a popular choice for analog photography.

Capturing Timeless Moments

One of the reasons why photographers choose 35mm film is its ability to capture timeless moments with a nostalgic feel. Analog photography has a certain charm that cannot be replicated by digital cameras. The grain structure and color rendering of 35mm film produce a unique aesthetic that adds depth and character to photographs. The subtle imperfections and organic nature of film create a tangible connection between the image and the viewer, evoking emotions and memories in a way that digital images often struggle to achieve.

Rich Dynamic Range

Another advantage of shooting with 35mm film is its impressive dynamic range. Film has the ability to capture a wider range of tones, from deep shadows to bright highlights, resulting in images with more detail and greater tonal depth. This enables photographers to capture scenes with challenging lighting conditions more effectively, providing them with more flexibility during the post-processing stage.

Learning the Art of Patience and Precision

Film photography necessitates a more deliberate approach to capturing images. Unlike digital photography, where images can be instantly reviewed and retaken if necessary, shooting with 35mm film requires patience and precision. Photographers must carefully consider their composition, exposure settings, and timing before pressing the shutter button. This process encourages a deeper understanding of the fundamentals of photography and enhances one’s ability to anticipate and capture decisive moments.

Rediscovering the Joy of Surprise

With instant gratification becoming the norm in our digital age, shooting with 35mm film allows photographers to rediscover the joy of surprise. Since film is not immediately viewable, photographers must wait for the film to be processed, adding an element of anticipation and excitement. The moment of unveiling negatives or prints can be a delightful experience, filled with the discovery of unexpected details or happy accidents that often result in unique and memorable images.

Preserving a Tangible Medium

In our increasingly digital world, where countless photos are stored on hard drives or cloud servers, shooting with 35mm film offers a tangible medium for preserving memories. Holding a physical print or flipping through a photo album provides a tactile experience that digital images cannot replicate. Additionally, film has proven to be more resistant to degradation over time compared to some digital storage methods, ensuring that cherished photographs can be enjoyed for generations to come.

In conclusion, the advantages of shooting with 35mm film extend beyond technical considerations. It offers a unique aesthetic, rich dynamic range, and the opportunity to develop patience and precision in photography. Moreover, it allows photographers to experience the joy of surprise during the development process and provides a tangible medium for preserving memories. Embracing 35mm film allows photographers to connect with the art form in a meaningful way while creating timeless images that evoke emotions and tell compelling stories.

Local Camera Stores

Local Camera Stores

When it comes to buying 35mm film, one of the best places to start your search is at local camera stores. These establishments are often a haven for photography enthusiasts and professionals alike, offering not only a wide range of camera gear but also a selection of film options to cater to every need.

Why choose local camera stores?

  1. Expertise and guidance: The staff at local camera stores are usually passionate about photography and can provide valuable insights and advice on different film types, brands, and formats. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced photographer, their expertise can be invaluable in helping you make the right choice.

  2. Hands-on experience: Unlike online platforms, local camera stores allow you to physically see and handle different films before making a purchase. This hands-on experience can help you get a better understanding of the film’s texture, color rendition, and packaging, ensuring that you make an informed decision.

  3. Supporting the local community: By choosing to buy from local camera stores, you are supporting small businesses and contributing to the growth of the local photography community. These stores often organize workshops, photo walks, and other events to foster creativity and collaboration among photographers in the area.

Finding local camera stores

To find local camera stores in your area, consider the following approaches:

  1. Ask fellow photographers: Reach out to local photography clubs or online communities and ask for recommendations. Fellow photographers can provide first-hand experiences and suggest stores known for their film selection.

  2. Online directories: Utilize online directories like Yelp or Google Maps to search for camera stores near your location. These platforms often include user reviews and ratings, giving you an idea of the store’s reputation and the range of products they offer.

  3. Visit photography exhibitions and events: Photography exhibitions, trade shows, or even art galleries often have booths or stands by local camera stores. This can be an excellent opportunity to personally interact with the store representatives, check out their film offerings, and gather information.

Supporting your local camera store

Once you find a local camera store that meets your needs, consider becoming a regular customer. By consistently purchasing from them, you not only build a relationship with the staff but also contribute to the sustainability of their business. Furthermore, supporting local camera stores helps preserve the vibrant photography community in your area.

In conclusion, local camera stores are fantastic places for purchasing 35mm film. From their expertise and guidance to the hands-on experience they offer, these establishments provide a unique and valuable experience for photographers. So, whether you’re looking for a specific film brand or seeking advice on different options, make sure to explore the local camera stores in your area.

Online Marketplaces

Online Marketplaces

Film photography enthusiasts have never had more options when it comes to buying 35mm film. With the rise of online marketplaces, purchasing film online has become incredibly convenient and accessible. These platforms offer a wide range of film stocks from various brands, ensuring that you can find exactly what you need for your analog photography projects.

Convenience at Your Fingertips

One of the significant advantages of online marketplaces is the convenience they offer. Gone are the days of visiting multiple physical stores in search of specific film stocks. With just a few clicks, you can browse through an extensive selection of 35mm film from the comfort of your own home. Whether you’re looking for popular color films like Kodak Portra or classic black and white options like Ilford HP5, online marketplaces have got you covered.

Variety and Availability

Online marketplaces cater to a global community of film photographers, which means you’ll have access to a diverse range of film stocks that might not be available locally. This variety allows you to experiment with different film types, speeds, and effects. You can explore specialty films like redscale, infrared, or even expired films that add a unique vintage charm to your photographs.

Moreover, online marketplaces ensure greater availability of both new and discontinued films. If a particular film stock has been discontinued by the manufacturer, you might still be able to find it on these platforms through individual sellers or specialty retailers.

Competitive Pricing and Deals

Competition among sellers on online marketplaces often leads to competitive pricing, making it possible to find great deals on 35mm film. Many sellers offer discounts, promotions, and bundle packages, allowing you to save money while building up your film stock collection. Additionally, some platforms have customer review systems, enabling you to make informed decisions based on feedback from other film photographers.

Film Photography Communities

Engaging with online marketplaces also provides an excellent opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals in the film photography community. These platforms often have forums, groups, or social media pages where photographers share their experiences, tips, and even showcase their work. You can learn from experts, seek advice, and be inspired by the creativity of others.

Examples of Online Marketplaces

Here are a few popular online marketplaces where you can buy 35mm film:

  1. B&H Photo Video – This well-known platform offers a wide range of film stocks along with detailed product descriptions and customer reviews.

  2. Adorama – Similar to B&H, Adorama provides a comprehensive selection of film and related accessories, ensuring a smooth shopping experience.

  3. eBay – This online auction and shopping website allows individuals to sell new or used film stocks, making it a great place to find rare or discontinued films.

  4. Film Photography Project – Created by film enthusiasts, this platform caters specifically to analog photographers, offering a curated selection of film stocks, cameras, and accessories.

  5. Etsy – Known for handmade and vintage products, Etsy also hosts numerous sellers specializing in film photography, providing a unique selection of films and accessories.

When purchasing film from online marketplaces, ensure that you choose reputable sellers with positive feedback and reliable shipping options.

So, whether you’re just starting your film photography journey or a seasoned pro, online marketplaces offer a convenient and exciting way to buy 35mm film. Take advantage of the variety, competitive pricing, and vibrant film photography communities available at your fingertips!

Specialized Film Retailers

Specialized Film Retailers

When it comes to purchasing 35mm film for your analog photography needs, specialized film retailers are a treasure trove for film enthusiasts. These are the go-to places where you can find film-only stores that cater specifically to the needs of niche film suppliers. Whether you’re an amateur photographer or a professional looking for unique and rare films, specialized film retailers offer a wide range of options to suit your artistic vision.

1. Expertise and Knowledge: One of the advantages of shopping at specialized film retailers is the expertise and knowledge they bring to the table. Unlike general camera stores or online marketplaces, these retailers focus solely on film photography. Their staff members are usually avid film photographers themselves, possessing a wealth of experience and technical know-how. They can guide you through the different types of films available, suggest suitable options for specific shooting conditions, and even provide tips on achieving desired results.

2. Wide Selection of Films: Specialized film retailers pride themselves on curating an extensive collection of films from around the world. From popular brands to lesser-known indie films, you’ll find a diverse range of options to explore. Whether you’re looking for traditional black and white film, vibrant color films, or experimental films with unique properties, these retailers have got you covered. They often carry limited edition or discontinued films, allowing you to experiment with rare and hard-to-find emulsions.

3. Access to Niche and Artisanal Films: If you’re searching for something truly special, specialized film retailers are the best places to discover niche and artisanal films. These are often small-scale or independent film manufacturers who produce handcrafted films with distinct characteristics. These films can add a touch of uniqueness and creativity to your photographs, giving them a one-of-a-kind look. Examples of such films include those with unusual color shifts, fine-grained textures, or even films that can be developed using unconventional methods.

4. Community and Support: Shopping at specialized film retailers goes beyond just buying a product. It allows you to become part of a vibrant community of film enthusiasts. These retailers often organize events, workshops, and photo walks where you can connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for analog photography. They also provide support and guidance, helping you troubleshoot any technical issues or offering recommendations for equipment that complements your film choice.

5. Online Presence: While specialized film retailers are commonly associated with physical stores, many of them have embraced the online realm as well. This means you can enjoy the convenience of browsing and purchasing films from the comfort of your home. With their online platforms, these retailers ensure that film photographers worldwide have access to their curated selection of films and expertise, bridging geographical boundaries.

Whether you’re an avid film photographer or someone looking to dip their toes into the world of analog photography, specialized film retailers offer a unique shopping experience. They provide not only high-quality films but also a wealth of knowledge, a sense of community, and a platform to explore the endless possibilities of film photography. So, dive into the realm of specialized film retailers and let your creativity flourish on the silver screen.

Note: Make sure to check the websites or contact the specialized film retailers directly to verify their stock availability and shipping options.


The world of 35mm film is vast and exciting, offering endless possibilities for analog photography enthusiasts. Throughout this article, we have explored various avenues to buy 35mm film, including local camera stores, online marketplaces, and specialized film retailers. Each option offers its own advantages and considerations, allowing photographers to find the best fit for their needs.

When it comes to local camera stores, there’s something special about being able to physically browse through a selection of films. These stores often have knowledgeable staff who can offer recommendations based on your preferences or specific projects. Additionally, visiting these stores can provide an opportunity to connect with fellow film enthusiasts and gain insights from their experiences.

Online marketplaces have revolutionized the way we shop, and buying 35mm film is no exception. Platforms like Amazon, eBay, and B&H Photo Video offer a wide range of film options at competitive prices. The convenience of online shopping allows photographers to explore different brands and types of film from the comfort of their homes. Customer reviews can also be a valuable resource in making informed purchasing decisions.

For those seeking a more specialized experience, there are film-only stores that cater specifically to analog photography. These niche retailers often carry a curated selection of films, including rare or hard-to-find options. Shopping at these establishments not only supports small businesses but also fosters a sense of community within the film photography world.

In conclusion, where you choose to buy your 35mm film depends on your personal preferences, budget, and access to different resources. Local camera stores offer a hands-on experience and a chance to connect with others, while online marketplaces provide convenience and a vast selection. Specialized film retailers cater to niche interests and can be a great option for those looking for unique films. Ultimately, exploring all avenues can lead to discovering new favorites and enhancing your analog photography journey. Happy shooting!
In a world of digital photography, the charm and nostalgia of shooting with 35mm film continue to captivate photographers. Exploring the realm of analog photography can be an exciting journey, but finding the right place to buy 35mm film can sometimes be a challenge.

Throughout this article, we have discussed various options for purchasing 35mm film. Local camera stores offer a tangible experience where you can seek advice from knowledgeable staff and browse through a curated selection of films. Online marketplaces provide convenience and a wide range of options, allowing you to compare prices and read reviews from fellow photographers. Specialized film retailers cater specifically to film enthusiasts, offering a vast array of unique and rare films that may not be available elsewhere.

Ultimately, the choice of where to buy 35mm film depends on your preferences and needs. Each option has its own advantages and drawbacks. Whether you choose to support local businesses, embrace the convenience of online shopping, or indulge in the offerings of specialized film retailers, the joy of shooting with 35mm film awaits.

So, grab your camera, load your favorite film, and let the magic of analog photography unfold. Rediscover the anticipation of waiting for your film to be developed and the excitement of seeing your images come to life. Remember, the journey of capturing moments on film is as important as the final result.

Now, go out there and explore the world through the lens of 35mm film. Happy shooting!

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